
Saturday 30 January 2016

Frostgrave Update Pt 2

My target was to get my minis finished as quick as possible to start Frostgrave this year. That target is now complete.

The mighty wizard and his apprentice are already assembling a might war band to enter the ruins of the frozen city in the hope to find hidden treasure and secrets it my have within its walls.

The Gang

The Wizard And His Apprentice

The Boys Are Back In Town

Bow Bro's

Scrim's The Name Treasure Huntings The Game With His Old Pal Burt

Thieving Hobbits!

There you have it my collection of war band members. I tried to make sure I had enough characters to fill all the slots I my need and maybe some could do double duty.

Now all I have to do is choose the wizards discipline and I am ready to go.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Love the grave digger/treasure hunter.
    Should be getting the parts for my thief Saturday and I'll be good to go a few days after that...
