Friday, 31 July 2020

Warhammer Fantasy: Blood In The Bad Lands Part 2

Saturday night arrived and the mission was going to be Ork vs Ork Vs WOC
(I don't like the sound of this)

We had to roll off with the lowest roller holding the hill in the middle of the battle field. Every unit on the hill friend or  foe would have  a 5+ ward save if they are on it. 
At the end of the game any unit near or on the hill would get points and if we get any units on the plinth that would be 5 points or if a wizard stays there a special power is bestowed on them.

Alister rolled lowest and would defend the hill while Lee set up behind the hill and my armies in front of the hill but there was a rumbling going on over on the Ork's half of the Table.

We set and up and Alister had first turn and then it was made clear the Ork's would join forces against Chaos.... Great.

The armies all set up and ready to go.

Alister goes straight for the kill and lines up his Spider Riders to pick off any Hounds in his path and cast Hand or Mork and rolls double six so my dispel scroll can do nothing and lands right next to my WOC unit.

Not what you need on turn one..
They crash in but luckily I had some knights in reserve so I hoped they could help.

The WOC get hit hard and start to loose numbers and to top it off the Knights get hit by the Goblin Launcher to full effect.
All the Knights can do is look on. Talking of looking on Lee just is hanging back of the table giggling at the carnage...

The Hounds try to move up and deal with the Spider Riders and Troll to get some of Al's army down in numbers and clear a path on the hill and get some points for later on in the game

I try and give the Hounds some extra protection with a 5+ regen save while the Knights and WOC get hammered but my BSB challenges the Savage Ork's Champion and kills him but is not enough as the army flees as do the knights and gets destroyed..

Thats my dead pile and Lee has done nothing yet..

Alister's is in full swing but as he gets carried away he has moved his large unit out too far to get back near the hill to score points.

Lee moves his Goblins on to the platform and I charge him with my Gorechariot which inflicts damage but not enough to win combat and it flees..

Al moves his flying Goblin out of the way of my on coming Hounds so I aim straight for the middle of the terrain.
The Hounds do eventually kill the Goblin Launcher and Al wants revenge but his Troll can only stager forward.

Lee manoeuvres his units near the hill to get points on the board.

Al then try's to get a charge on Lee's Goblin uint to get his Savage Ork's in a scoring position but rolls too low.

As it gets to turn 6 My hounds retreat form the oncoming Goblin Force and turn 6 is over giving Lee the overall victory but Al was left to do all the heavy lifting.

Mean while Riot with his Khorne army faced Mike 2.0's Lizard men on the other table which turned into a Lizard men victory.

The board after night 2

The next game we are all in teams.

Al Ork's, Lee Ork's and Rio's Khorne army will face my Nurgle army, Phil's Empire army and Mike 2.0s Lizard men.

In these games 

Riot and I will face off first with the winner being able to come on as relief force during one of our allies games so we need to make sure we don't lose to many units.

Mike 2.0's Lizard Men and Lee's Ork's will be facing off in a mine while Phil's Empire army will be defending a fortress against Al's Orks.

Week 2 is hotting up..

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