Sunday, 5 July 2020

Lockdown Hobby: The Painting Begins

Last week I was able to get all the of the Nurgle Daemon army undercoated and this week I managed to make a start on the painting.

The paints still drying as I only got time today but here are some pictures and the start of the painting journey for this army.

So let's take a look.

I started by just concentrating on 10 miniatures and the Herald to get me started.

A quick dry brush a few washes and the job of picking out the the nasty bits as well as the weapons got me to this point.

So there we have it the first batch  and just another 20 of these plus 6 riders to go and the Plaguebearer side of the army will be finished.

1 comment:

Riot said...

Look ace amte!!