As miniature painters getting the right brush and one that lasts is always important and finding brushes that will last more then 5 minutes and at a reasonable price can be a case of trail an error.
I have had brushes that I have spent a lot of money on to cheap brushes from ebay that you just have to throw away after one use.
One brush company Rosemary and Co aim to give you quality hand made brushes at a reasonable price.
Rosemary and Co are a brush company with over 35 years of experience who cater to professional artist to miniature painters with a catalog of brushes from synthetic to Kolinsky Sable..
Rosemary and Co were kind enough to send me a range of brushes to review and put through there paces.
So lets see how I got on.
So lets see how I got on.
The brushes arrived in a nice well packed cardboard box and the brushes secured in their own plastic sleeve so no chance of them braking or bending any of the tips during postage.
All the brushes here are Kolinsky Sable brushes.
In this box I was given a verity of brushes to try.
A series 8 Size 0
Size 0 |
Series 22 Size 0 and 2
Size 0 |
Size 2 |
Series 33 Size 0,1 and 2
Size 0 |
Size 1 |
Size 2 |
Series 92 Size 7/0 and 4/0
Size 4/0 |
Size 7/0 |
Series 98 size 0
Size 0 |
So for my tests I used all the brushes to paint my Shadespire warbands The Ironskull Boyz which you can see here.
At first I just used the series 33's and the series 98 to paint this guy..
The first thing I notice was how these brushes held the paint really well and the tips kept their point. It made is so easy to paint all the differnt areas fast. I was using the Size 2 series 33 for most of the model which was a surprise for me as I usually use a 0 brush.
I used the Series 98 size 0 to paint all the metal areas.
It felt like it took no time at all to paint this miniature due to the fact of how much paint the brush held and as as it kept its point I did not have to go over areas again.
At first I just used the series 33's and the series 98 to paint this guy..
The first thing I notice was how these brushes held the paint really well and the tips kept their point. It made is so easy to paint all the differnt areas fast. I was using the Size 2 series 33 for most of the model which was a surprise for me as I usually use a 0 brush.
I used the Series 98 size 0 to paint all the metal areas.
It felt like it took no time at all to paint this miniature due to the fact of how much paint the brush held and as as it kept its point I did not have to go over areas again.
For the next 3 miniatures I used a mixture of the remaining brushes..
The Series 22 size 0 and 2 again was easy to use and the size 2 felt a little larger then the Series 33. Again these held the paint really well and kept a nice point
The Series 8 size 0 and series 92's were used for detail and I found the series 92 being so fine they did not hold a lot of paint so these are really good for eyes or tiny precise detail.
After I finished using all the brushes I just used water and some Artis Opus series S soap to clean which worked to get all the tips back.
Here is some pictures of the brushes after I finished.
So my Thoughts...
The best thing right of the bat I can say about these brushes is how it made painting so easy and a pleasant experience.
The quality of the brushes can not be underestimated and there price point is fantastic.
These brushes hold paint very well and keep a point which helped me not to have to go over areas over and over again.
The Series 33 which I used for the first miniatures I really liked and the series 92 brushes made painting eyes which I do find tricky really easy and made its simple painting tiny detail.
I used the series 98 for all of my metallic painting to see how it would handle these paints as I find when using other brushes don't tend to last that long. I used this one brush and it finished up the same as I first used it.
In my opinion if your looking for some new brushes and want great quality and at a good price you cant go wrong and investing in these brushes from Rosemary and Co.
I look forward to using these brushes for a long time to come.
For more information on all of Rosemary and Co brushes
Thanks for the heads up. This could be my next brush purchase
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