Friday, 31 July 2020

Warhammer Fantasy: Blood In The Bad Lands Part 2

Saturday night arrived and the mission was going to be Ork vs Ork Vs WOC
(I don't like the sound of this)

We had to roll off with the lowest roller holding the hill in the middle of the battle field. Every unit on the hill friend or  foe would have  a 5+ ward save if they are on it. 
At the end of the game any unit near or on the hill would get points and if we get any units on the plinth that would be 5 points or if a wizard stays there a special power is bestowed on them.

Alister rolled lowest and would defend the hill while Lee set up behind the hill and my armies in front of the hill but there was a rumbling going on over on the Ork's half of the Table.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Warhammer Fantasy: Blood In The Badlands Part 1

Well I am back after a few weeks away due to work and the fact that I just did not want to put content up for the sake of it.

So what do we have here yes thats right we have started to roll dice again and have started our new campaign for Blood In The Badlands.

This gives me a chance to run out my Warriors of Chaos Nurgle army for the first time.

 Friday I arrived a Riots and the battles began..

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Lockdown Hobby: The Painting Begins

Last week I was able to get all the of the Nurgle Daemon army undercoated and this week I managed to make a start on the painting.

The paints still drying as I only got time today but here are some pictures and the start of the painting journey for this army.

So let's take a look.