Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Warhammer Fantasy: Blood In The Badlands Part 1

Well I am back after a few weeks away due to work and the fact that I just did not want to put content up for the sake of it.

So what do we have here yes thats right we have started to roll dice again and have started our new campaign for Blood In The Badlands.

This gives me a chance to run out my Warriors of Chaos Nurgle army for the first time.

 Friday I arrived a Riots and the battles began..

Game One

The first  games will be a 1000 points a side unless victory rolls at the end give any bonuses.

Orks Vs WOC

My WOC were up against Alister's Savage Ork's.

We set up as follows with Al's Spider's vanguard toward my front line.

Al's starts to move his force forwards and try to shoot at some of WOC front line. While trying to flank the other side.

The Gorebeast runs into the front line trying to take out some of that hard hitting Savage Ork unit as Al cast foot of Gork  which targets my WOC unit.

The Gorebeast chews through Al's banner and unit.

But the Gorebeasts retreats as it did not win combat but lucky for me the Ork's could not catch up.
To make matters worse for Al the Gorebeast rallied next turn.

Not happy with that Al sends in his Troll and Spiders to help get rid of the Gorebeast.

In the mean time the Hounds are shot off the table and the Spider Riders go after the Ogers.
Al really starts to try and crunch through the front line.

Al next uses his Goblin Launcher (its horrible) to full affect and takes out some WOC and finally gets rid of the Gorebeast chariot but unlucky for him the second Gorebeast charges the Troll's which flee at the end of combat.

Mean while Festus sprays a putrid projectile at the Ork unit fixing the venom on the Ork's wizard which kills him.

The WOC have a firm grip of the game and as it's the end of turn 6 with a Chaos victory.

Game 2

WOC vs Ork's

This time I face Lee and his trolls again....

We set up and start to move forward into each other front lines.

One of the Gorebeast crash into the trolls and the other into the Ork's front line after taking the risk of destroying the deployed swinging Fanatics in their path.

Lee really starts to pile on the pressure and surrounds the Gorebeasts while on the other flank the Ogres and Hounds are dealt with swiftly.

It starts to get really tight as Lee smashes his way through the first Gorebeast and heads for the WOC unit not before the Ork Chariot gets there first.

But the Chariot does not have the stomach for Nurgle and flees the battle.

Lee comes charging in with his units...but not before Festus issues a challenge. He then forces Lee's Champion to drink his putrid poison and takes 3 unsaved wounds...
Bye bye Ork...

Festus for the win!

The WOC  then start to chew through Lee's units turning the tide of the battle leaving only the Trolls who  rally  but are no match for the WOC and Nurgle..

WOC from the edge of defeat win.

Lets say after those two games I now know why people like the Gorebeast chariots and Festus is amazing!

For the next game I roll on the table and get another 250 points to spend on my army..

Riot asked us all to make themed pins for our armies to track our campaign progress and here are mine.

This is the map of the Badlands after two games.

Purple= Nurgle WOC (Me) Blue= Al's Ork's Red= Riots Khorne WOC White= Lee's Ork's Yellow= Phil's Empire and Green= Mike 2.0's Lizard Men (did not play the first round)

So now on to Saturday nights game...

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