"The Drowned Earth is a world where heroes and villains risk the hazards of the wild for glorious riches and ancient technologies!
For hundreds of years nature reclaimed the earth, pre-historic monsters ruled the wilds, while the survivors of the cataclysm known as "The Event" struggled to survive.
Now a New Enlightenment has dawned, and the fragile glimmer of civilisation has begun to shine. Now the fight is on for who will control this precious knowledge."
I first saw The Drowned Earth being demoed at Salute this year and I was drawn in by the jungle landscapes and the miniature range that features dinosaurs and animals holding weapons fighting along side humans out on the table top.
I had the chance to interview its creator James Baldwin of Olmec Games about the game as well as his thoughts on the gaming industry and what is in store for the future for the game.