Monday 5 August 2019

War Cry, Foundary, and Warhammer World Oh My Part 1

Well what a weekend I had gaming this week. First at 9:30 am I received my copy of War Cry but I had to leave that unopened  due to other plans BOOOO... But no big deal as later on I was off to Riots for some games.

I rocked up to Riots in the evening greeted by a garage full of eager gamers which have been busy painting and building all day.

Riot had done a fantastic job to get the terrain painted up so quickly.

After playing a couple of games with the Nagash warband I found that the game was fast easy to pick up.
I thought the Negash warband would be at a disadvantage due to there slow movement but as the standard troops are so cheap you have more miniatures on the board.

Riot hard at working painting in his hobby space..

As the night was getting late we called it a night as Riot, Lee and I were up early the next day to visit the Foundry factory and BOYL 2019..

All I can say is the tables and display cabinets were amazing..I will let all the pictures do the talking..Deep breath heres the photo dump..

First up some of the tables.

Then the miniature display cabinets... I got a bit snap happy.. you can see why!

Absolutely love all these miniatures. I don"t think the pictures really give them all justice. The character and colours of each miniature is just fantastic and really nice to see a differnt colour pallet.

After picking my jaw from the floor from seeing all the miniatures we had a game of Ultramarine.
Riot has told us about this game for a while and often says how his family love it.

It supposed to be 20-40 minute game but some how we managed take more the an hour as we set traps, explosions and doors to close off the space ship to stop the ancient artefacts falling into each others hands..,Just ask Riot he loves a door..

After all the noise which caused a few people to pop their heads round and ask what game we were playing it was now the afternoon and off we went to Warhammer World for some lunch and  to take a look around.

Warhammer world in Part 2.

1 comment:

Riot said...

so many, many doors !!