Monday 12 August 2019

Random Painted Minis and Loads of Terrain

Well over the past couple of weeks I have been moving to a new dedicated hobby space and I have sorted through all my hobby stuff  and as you do you find a few things you forgot you had.

Well here are some miniatures that I painted this year and forgot to up load as well as terrain projects I finished this week after finding them in various boxes.

First up is this salute miniature for 2018 and I painted this up for my dad for fathers day as I thought he would appreciate it and to paint something differnt.

I also Painted these 5 dwarfs from the Vanguard Northern alliance box.

I made a start on this Mantic ogre just to test out my paint scheme for my army that I will eventually finish.

I also have painted another 4 chaos warriors, another couple of beastman during the Path to Glory campaign (which you can see the start of here) which gives me a total of around 80 plus miniatures this year.

Now as I said as I have a new hobby space which has given me more room to spread out which allows me to paint up some terrain that has been in a boxes for a while!

I started with a set I have been waiting ages to paint.. The Garden of Morr.
So many skulls!!

 I then painted this MDF mausoleum from Boltz in the same style as the Garden of Morr.

Next up I got round to painting up a load of  MDF caskets and tombstones which turned out well.

I also even managed to make a scratch build warp gate tunnel type thing. This was using a tunnel front that I got for £1 at the Train fair I visited a few weeks ago (link here) and using Kingspan and my magic mix.

Finally I finished these fences and walls that I got from my first visit to Warhammer World a few years ago.

So as you can see I have had the painting bug this week and now I only have the War Cry terrain which with any luck will be finished this week and the Necromunda terrain I use for Shadow War Armageddon and all my terrain I own is painted.

All in all not a bad weeks work.

On to War Cry...


Riot said...

That's a cracking output mate!!

Shaggy said...

@Riot cheers mate just trying to keep up with you ;)