Wednesday 13 May 2020

Lockdown Hobby: Progress..

My hobby has been a lot slower then usually these past two weeks as work has started to gather pace and finding new routines and a new way of working is taking its time.

Saying that though I have managed to get some things painted from the grey pile.

So let's take a look.

More chariots or should I say Gore Chariots have been finished.
These again are adding to the ranks of my Nurgle Chaos army with the gold Gore Chariot being able to be swapped to make a normal chariot for best of both worlds.

Next up a little Ebay find and something I don't have in my army is a mounted Nurgle Lord.
This arrived painted but I repainted a few things and rebased him on a square base.

I also realised I did not have a dedicated BSB (always need one in WHF)
So got to work and quickly painted this fella.

I wanted a pallet cleanser so to speak from all this Chaos and painted some scatter terrain from Gatehouse games.
These turned out really nice.

I also had this Ghoul King hanging around and as I am not going to mount him on anything I stuck him on a base and got painting.

Last but not least I got this Firebreather from TTCombat from Ebay again for a couple of quid.
I wanted this not only for the Ogre army but to try and paint some fire as well.

I don't think he turned out too bad.

I have a couple of ideas of what I could paint next, but theres been a lot of talk of Deadzone in the Black Jack Legacy Facebook group recently and it reminded me I have V1 which is on the grey pile list. May be it's time to dig them out get some paint on the minis and have a go of the solo rules for a little change up.

So whats you plans for your hobby this week?

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