Friday 29 May 2020

Lockdown Hobby: Hobby Update, New BSB & New Army

This week has been a little busy as with the sun being out I have been getting those DIY jobs that have been needing attention finished.

As I my times been limited I have  been setting up my next army to paint and making a new BSB.

So let's see how I have been getting on.

I have been in the process of making my new Daemons of Nurgle army first by making the first 10  Plaguebearers from the start collecting box. Just as I finished glueing them to their bases I was given the bright idea to magnetise them to give me more flexibility in other games if I so wish. 

With this idea I went to work on the rest of the Plaguebearers . Luckily I had some spare magnets which were used on the feet and some magnetic dots which I stuck to the bases which made attaching the Plaguebearers to the bases easier. 
With the 2nd command unit I magnetised  them so they can be either a full command or regular troops.

I ran out of bases in the end so I am now waiting for some new ones to arrive to finish the unit below.

I then moved on to building the Plague Drones but again I waiting for some bases to arrive which will mean I can mount them and start patining.

After posting my WOC Nurgle BSB on the Eighth Edition For Life forum I had a suggestion to maybe give my BSB more character as it looked like the standard WOC standard bearer and needed more character.
To be honest I agreed as it was just a quick put together job and at the time I did not have many spare parts to use to kit bash something.

So I went to work creating a new BSB and as I had some Nurgle Daemons spare bits I used one of the spare banners, a Plaguebearers head and some maggots as well as a few bits from the Chariot kits.

This was the first attempt.

A few of my gaming mates thought  the banner needed to be bigger so I added a flag and got to work painting.

Here are the results.

I am happy about all the kit bashing elements in this but 
I think the flag needs to have something on it and be a little more dirtier to fit Nurgle.
 I will have to have a think about that and look for some inspiration.

So going forward my plan is to get the rest of the Nurgle Daemons magnetised and based and then get on with all the painting.

I have a few miniatures from The Others board game that I think would work well as Beasts of Nurgle which I will start to put to use.

In the mean time this could keep me busy.

Until next time.

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