Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Warhammer Fantasy: Blood In The Bad Lands Part 7


Were back in the badlands with another battle report but this time its in the marshes of madness.

To the game.

I was drawn to face against Lee's Ork's and we were fighting over some lovely dwarf territory. ( Thanks to @Riot for the awesome terrain and table)

The scenario of the games that evening set out like this. 
There will be 3 games going on at the same time where the winners would go on to fight in the last game for the chance of relics and magic items.

Lee and I set up and turn one.

Lee grabs first tune and aims Straight for my wizard as he has purple sun which recked Lee's army last game against Riot.
Lee cast Ed Butt and rolling double 6 there was nothing I  could do.
The wizard was dead with out even casting a spell. As I said not had much luck with magic this campaign.

We all start to move forward and find out the Dwarf Brewery gives units within 6 inches stubborn.

In my turn I run for the beer wagon which if I can get  it to charge could do some damage but on Lee's go after a dice roll it is deemed his trolls can get in to attack and now my Lord is stuck.

The trolls start to wade in but my Lord gives as good as he gets and stays put for a few tuns, But even with my Spawn coming in to help theres not much I can do against all the Troll vomit in the Lords way and he eventually dies.

My Gorechariot goes flying in to the Ork horde and starts to whittle down the horde but the stubborn given by the Dwarf Brewery is not helping my case as the Orks don't flee.

The huge Spider just starts to creep around the back so I keep my hounds on the left just near by just in case.

The Gorechariots keep attacking the horde but eventually the Gorechariots are bested just by the number of attacks back.

Seeing this my WOC unit charge straight in keeping an eye on the Trolls on the flank.

My last Gorechariot comes charging in to help out as the Ork  horde is now down to two models.

The Spider just casually walks on by.

My Hounds come in to help with dealing with the Trolls on the flank.

The amount of attacks that I am dishing out proves to much for the Ork's which eventually die and the Trolls some how roll a double one and stay put.

The Ork dead pile.

The Trolls don't run!

As it gets to turn 6 we count the units left and I am the winner which leaves me with these units left to use in the final battle.

The surviving units.

Next up the winner of the 3 games line up. As I won first I have to deploy in the middle. Something tells me I wont last long.

We all all have to put one objective down on the table and the person controlling the most by turn 6 is the winner of the game.

Empire sets up on the left flank and the massive and I mean massive army thats left of the Lizard Men army sets up on the right.

Theres not much I can do as I am stuck in the middle of these armies and I get massacred off the table which leaves the Lizard Men and Empire to fight it out.

In the end the Lizard Men win a hard fought victory against the Empire.
We all roll for D3 relics which I get 3 and added to the board.

The relic board so far. (the person at the end of the campaign with the most wins)

Phil is winning right now followed by Lee.

The map so far.

Lee Ork's White,  Phil Empire Yellow, Mike 2.0 Lizard Men Green,
Alister Ork's Blue, Riot WOC Khorne Red and Me WOC Nurgle Purple

As we rolled off it sees me facing Phil's Empire army in a mine with storm of magic!
The games will now be based at 2000 points but Phil has and extra 500 points to spend and I have and extra 250 points due to rolls.

This is going to be tough as its Phil's shooty army...

Lets see what the mines have in store for Nurgle and the Empire..

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